New Announcement - Y33 Wagon Bogie Packs Now In Stock!
After many, many requests from modellers across the land, we have produced packs of our Y33 Sambre et Meuse bogies in separate packs!
Perfect to aid running of your old kit built or converted stock, these are the only prototypically accurate Irish wagon bogie available in ready to run form and will allow for reliable running for your kit built wagons, or a load for a flat wagon or lorry as seen regularly on the roads between depots for maintenance!
With the bogies now featuring brass bearings, they will provide a nice solution to getting your kit built wagons running reliably.
They also feature rotating axle caps, easy conversion to 21mm, separate detail parts such as brake actuators and metal wheelsets.
Priced at just £12.75 per four pack of bogies, they're available in black, brown and red oxide, and are in stock and ready to dispatch.