A Class Update April 2021
A few weeks ago we sent out an email advising on the production progress of the A Class, which as made great strides in recent months.
After a long slog of research, design, tooling, testing, tooling correction and decoration creation and correction, we are now finally in the latter stages of production before delivery.
Of course, at each stage of the process there are always little factors that can trip you up, often outside our control, and a couple have surfaced since we last updated you.
Once such area was some of the tampo printing, which we were not fully happy with, particularly with their clarity and crispness. We have instructed the factory to go back and correct these issues which they are currently doing. Perhaps we're a bit too perfectionist at times, but we want these looking the very best and accurate that they can be.
Secondly, in the wake of the blockage of the Suez Canal by the "Ever Given" container ship last month, there is now a shortage of shipping containers in China, which will cause delays in shipping out any goods from the Far East right now. We have been advised by our shipping partner that normality in this regard will take 6-8 weeks to be restored.
So, what does this mean for the As? We had hoped to have these delivered to Dublin by late May/early June, but with these hiccups we now envisage delivery of late July. We are very sorry for this delay, but between demands for better quality, finish and shipping delays we hope you can understand the reason for this slight delay. We thank you for your patience and assure you that they will be worth this additional blip.
With A23r already sold out and others not too far behind the demand for these beauties is very strong indeed. Order yours by clicking here!