Project 42 Update
Now that the ploughs have arrived, the A Class is motoring along in the tooling shop, and more bubbles are on the way, you may have been wondering about the 'forgotten child' of the IRM stable; the 42ft project.
We had hoped to begin releases of the 42ft flat range on a staggered basis from late 2018 onwards, but we underestimated by a tad (okay, a lot!) how long the project would take to fully tool and design. The fertilizer wagon in particular was a challenge to get right and to a state that we were happy with. Tooling the entire project had to take place together to ensure the best fit and finish and compatibility between loads. This meant that tooling took a long. long time to complete.
However, as the below pictures will show, tooling is finally almost at an end!
We are due our first samples within the next two weeks, and should they be up to scratch we will then push ahead, with the liners going straight into production. We can expect them into stock in July, all going well.
We will launch the fert wagon for preorder once we are happy with the samples and know that production is getting closer, with an accurate release date in place. So, watch this space!
Thanks to all of you who have ordered liner packs so far, and we look forward to landing them here in the coming weeks. As soon as we have samples, we will post them here!
Ordered your Bell, B&I or CIE container wagons yet? Don't miss out, as they will be limited in quantity. Order yours here.